I’m so CRAZY EXCITED about doing another NYC SR. SQUAD shoot!
I’ll bet if you’re like 100% of the girls I polled on my Instagram stories, you’re way more into having EXPERIENCES than buying stuff.
Good to know. ME TOO!
AND….that’s what Senior Squad is all about!
SO! if you’re class of 2023 then follow along on Instagram stories with our styled NYC photoshoot this coming Sunday morning to see what a Paige P. Squad shoot is all about.
AND…look out for some story hints to see how we’re starting to pull it together.
ONE MORE THING… Sr. Squad 2023 is Pre-Launching early December which means you’ll get priority sign up and perks for JOINING in December.
BUT! You need to get on the list.
#WayneNJ #Kinnelonnj #FranklinLakesnj #Wyckoffnj #Ridgewoodnj #Mahwahnj #MountainLakesnj #UpperSaddleRiverNJ #BergenCounty #RamseyNJ #HoHokusNJ #AllendaleNJ #morristownNJ #summitNJ #chathamNJ #MadisonNJ #shorthillsNJ #maplewoodNJ #westfieldNJ #pequonnockNJ #bergencountyseniorportraits #morriscountyseniorportraits #PaigePseniors #PaigePSquad #seniorszn #instagood #seniorphotographyinspiration #PaigePseniorsquad
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