Senior Pictures and letting go of perfection is sometimes really hard to do. Lindsay was on my Sr. Squad 2022 and during her individual photoshoot (it’s included with Sr. Squad) this is what happened…
Letting go
The breeze was just right.
“Let it go, let it go, don’t touch”
And she kept going to put her hair back in place.
We did this more than a few times, laughing
And then at one point Lindsay forgot about keeping her hair perfect and she let go.
She allowed the breeze to catch her hair.
When letting go becomes freeing
It turns out that the image below is one of Lindsey’s favorites from her senior photoshoot. It was the first outfit and location which is when it’s normal to want everything to be “perfect”. Everyone wants to know what to do, should they smile, does my hair look okay…I tell them to be themselves and I’ll let them know if I want something a certain way. I always direct them but it becomes less and less the further into the shoot we go.
Letting go is very freeing. That’s what a senior photoshoot is all about. It’s about letting go, feeling free to be exactly who you are. When you are being exactly who you are, lost in the moment of feeling free, your beauty shines through.

Class of 2023 it’s TIME TO BOOK your SENIOR PICTURES.
Do you want an EXPERIENCE that makes you feel amazing, THAT FEELS FREEING?
Do you want senior pictures that look like these?
NOW is the time to book your senior pictures.

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