When choosing a photographer, whether it’s for senior portraits, family, newborn…find a photographer whose work you’re drawn to. If you keep going back to look at those images, there’s a reason. Now, define the reason why you’re being drawn to them. What makes them different from the others? This has been my experience, which may help you when looking for and choosing a photographer to entrust them with your memories.
“I JUST WANT TO FEEL LIKE THAT”... That’s the number 1 response I get when we start an initial conversation about your photoshoot. *
They can’t quite pin it down…is it the light? location? styling? What is it? IT’S THAT FEELING is what I always hear.
There’s no secret ingredient but I will tell you this, it’s a combination of all of the above fine tuned over MANY YEARS as a PROFESSIONAL photographer.
It’s also MY INTENTION to make you feel your photographs. I don’t want you to just look at them and say oh, she looks pretty. I want you to FEEL them. To FEEL her SPIRIT, her PERSONALITY.
There are hundreds of photographers who can make you look like just another pretty face. But tell me, how many of them make you feel something when you look at their images?
#WayneNJ #Kinnelonnj #FranklinLakesnj #Wyckoffnj #Ridgewoodnj #Mahwahnj #MountainLakesnj #UpperSaddleRiverNJ #BergenCounty #RamseyNJ #HoHokusNJ #AllendaleNJ #highschoolseniorportraits #highschoolseniors #highschoolsenior #njseniorphotographer #seniorpictures #seniorportraits #senioryear2020 #classof2021 #senioryear #seniorpics #seniors #portraitphotography #portraitphotographer #seniorphotoshoot #PaigePseniors
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