Senior portraits with Darlena, class of 2023. I know I always say this was a special one because that’s truly how I feel after every senior photoshoot. I’ve been photographing Darlena since she was a freshman and you know how I feel about following “my teens” through high school and beyond!
I’ve got Questions!
I’ll always send out a questionnaire prior to a photoshoot because it helps me get to know them a little better. Darlena filled one out prior to her Freshman teen portraits and then again this year for her senior pictures. A lot of her answers had remained the same and fit her to a T.
The Answers
5 word bio: Fun loving, spirited, caring, responsible, hard working, and smart
What are you most excited about for senior year? More freedom and independence.
Best advice you’ve ever been given? Live life to the fullest.
Who is your biggest inspiration in life? My mom.
The questions go on and on but I can’t divulge all of her secrets;).
The Common thread
The reason I chose these specific questions and answers is because Darlena’s answers mirror so many of my other clients. I especially love the relationships they have with their moms and it makes me so happy to sit in my office and listen to mother and daughter go back and forth choosing their images.
Below are some of the images they chose. Don’t forget when you’re looking for a seniors photographer you really need to ask to see the full gallery. You can go to my YouTube channel to see all of Darlena’s images and behind the scenes of her senior photoshoot.
In case you didn’t know…
Summer is just about over and I’ve been booking fall photoshoots since July! I have openings but you really do need to GET IN TOUCH. I’d hate to have to put you on a waitlist.

The image below is a sneak peek to a whole set of images that I’ll highlight in a future post. It was just that epic and deserves a separate post.

Amazing!! So talented!