
There was nothing easy or gentle about this

I'm Paige!

I'm quick to laugh and cry, especially if there are kids or dogs involved. I write and photograph straight from the heart. This blog is where it all comes out - all the feels.


Want my 3 Secrets to Styling?

Yes Please!

Friends, Squads...photoshoots, styled and having fun.

TOp categories

Teen Editorial photoshoots, styling, concepts, model calls.

Where I get into all the feels about my life  and business.

Featured photoshoots, behind the scenes and insights.

Most people ease into January of the New Year gently. Setting up goals, planners…Not me, nope! I just chose to dive in head first, launching Sr. Squad and already started shooting, an outdoor winter shoot (yes, we froze, but it was sooooo worth it, you’ll see). I don’t expect you to know behind the scenes of what it takes to launch any type of program, but believe me, there is nothing easy OR gentle about it!


Sr. Squad is coming together which means I’m now hitting pause to plan and create. Here’s what a little “downtime” has resulted in.


During the course of the past 8 years as a niche teen photographer, seniors photographer I’ve worked with A LOT of teens. I have a ton of images and learned even more about how impactful this photoshoot experience is. It began as an idea of wouldn’t this be fun to WOW! this experience is making a difference in the way teen girls see themselves now AND into their adult life.

When looking at my website I realize that there’s so much missing and it ISN’T GIVING YOU the best that I have to give you!


So! in total Paige P. fashion, I’m ripping it down and building it back up from scratch. I feel like there’s a theme here:D! The whole project is a little daunting, extremely time consuming and incredibly creative – that part I love.


I want to help you answer any questions that you may have and provide resources you may need. The result being, that hopefully, you’ll be surprised in the most creative way I know, making your time with me an informative, inspirational EXPERIENCE!!

Would you help me out by responding in the comments below or send me an email at


What information would you like about a teen or senior photoshoot?

Here are just a couple of thoughts: Best time of year, Seasonal style guide, More info on Sr. Squad/Freshman Crew, Hanging your portraits, Shopping resources, Anything pre-shoot….BRING. IT. ON!

What do you think? What can I help you with? …. please let me know.

xo, Paige

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Mom of 2, tom(s) girl, who loves to play with fashion and can rock a camera. 

Hi, I'm Paige P! Your photographer, stylist, director, cheerleader.

Making you feel at ease in front of the camera almost instantly is my superpower. After 225 photoshoots and counting: photographing, styling, choosing locations, editing and everything that comes with a photoshoot... I've learned and fine-tuned a few things along the way to ensure your photoshoot is ALL ABOUT YOU. 

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Let's just say...

That I put out a Model Call for a vibey editorial shoot, or maybe I had an open (discounted) slot due to a reschedule? How are you ever going to know about it if you're not on my email list?
*I won't spam you, promise!

Vip, Who me?!

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PAige p. photography

Come hang out with me


© Paper Plane 2021. All rights reserved. | Legal | Design by TONIC


PAige p. photography

Come hang out with me



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